Good Clean Living: Calgary Modern 1947–1967

  • Norman R. Ball


This article reviews the exhibition Calgary Modern 1947–1967 at the Nickle Arts Museum, University of Calgary. The exhibition examines modern architecture during a critical period of growth in a city whose history is largely defined by progressive, optimistic modernism. The exhibition is organized around eight related areas: introduction, office, housing, house, worship, education, leisure, and infrastructure. The article contends that Calgary Modern 1947–1967 was imaginatively and cleanly designed. The exhibition is complemented by a publication of the same name.


L’exposition Calgary Modern 1947-1967, tenue au Nickel Arts Museum del’université de Calgary, porte sur l’architecture moderne au cours d’une période critique de croissance d’une cité dont l’histoire est largement définie par un modernisme progressiste et optimiste. L’exposition est bâtie autour de huit thèmes interreliés: une introduction, le bureau, le logement, la maison, la religion, l’éducation, le loisir et les infrastructures urbaines. L’exposition a été montée de façon intelligente et sobre; elle est soutenue par une publication qui porte le même titre.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Norman R. Ball
Norman R. Ball is Director of the Centre for Society, Technology, and Values, University of Waterloo. After graduate work in the history and philosophy of science and technology, Dr. Ball spent fifteen years in Ottawa at Parks Canada, the National Archives of Canada, and the National Museum of Science and Technology. He joined the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo in 1989 where he is a professor in Systems Design Engineering. The e-mail address he responds to most frequently is He is currently working on his seventh book, an interdisciplinary look at information technology and society.
Comment citer
Ball, Norman R. 2000. « Good Clean Living: Calgary Modern 1947–1967 ». Archivaria 49 (février), 192-203.
Review Articles