An Update on the Interpretation of the <i>Ultra</i> Documentation

  • John P. Campbell

Biographie de l'auteur-e

John P. Campbell
John P. Campbell holds a Master's degree in American History from the University of Glasgow (1955) and a Ph.D. in American Diplomatic History from Yale University (1961). Since 1961 he has been a member of the Department of History, McMaster University, Hamilton, where he served as Chairman between 1977 and 1983. His recent articles include, "Operation Starkey 1943" published in Intelligence and National Security 2, no. 3 (July 1987).
Comment citer
Campbell, John P. 1988. « An Update on the Interpretation of the <i>Ultra</I&gt; Documentation ». Archivaria 26 (janvier), 184-88.