A Look at a Bigger Picture: The Demographic Profile of Archivists in Canada Based on a National Survey

  • Barbara Lazenby Craig


This article is a report of the results of a national survey of members ofthe Association of Canadian Archivists undertaken in 1998. Following the method of Salant and Dillman for mail surveys, a high response of seventy per cent provides anaccurate picture. The demographic profile of archivists that is discussed is based on returns from all provinces and territories. Frequency tables are provided. The resultsunderscore the value of surveys and point to the profession’s need for regular data collection to keep its knowledge up-to-date and to control the ways professional characteristics and needs are represented in professional and institutional initiatives.


Cet article présente les résultats d’un sondage national effectué en 1998 au près des membres de l’Association of Canadian Archivists. Selon la méthode de Salant et Dillman pour la tenue de sondages postaux, un taux élevé de soixante-dix pourcent permet de dresser un portrait fidèle de la situation. Le profil démographique quiest présenté ici découle des questionnaires retournés de toutes les provinces et territoires. Des tableaux de fréquences sont offerts dans l’article. Les résultats obtenusdémontrent la valeur des sondages et indiquent le besoin de la profession quant à lacollecte régulière de données; cela permet de conserver les connaissances à jour surcette profession et de contrôler la façon dont ses traits et besoins sont représentés dans le cadre d’initiatives professionnelles et institutionnelles.

Author Biography

Barbara Lazenby Craig
Barbara L. Craig is Associate Professor of Archive Studies and Director of the Centre for Research in Information Studies in the Faculty of Information Studies at the University of Toronto. Prior to her appointment in August 1993, she was the Archivist of York University (North York, Ontario) and the Head of the Archives and Special Collections Department of the Scott Library from 1989, and an archivist at the Archives of Ontario from 1970. She has a Ph.D. in Archive Studies, has undertaken extensive research into hospital archives in Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom, and has published widely on the history of record-keeping, the history of medicine and medical archives, and archive theory. A past Chair of the Ontario Council of Archives, an officer of the Association of Canadian Archivists in many capacities, and a Director of the Ontario Women’s History Network, Dr. Craig currently is the Chair of the Canadian Council of Archives Preservation Committee, Reviews Editor of the American Archivist, and an active participant in the growing Health Archives Information Group (HAIG) in Ontario. A Canada-wide health archives information network based on a Web site and a 1-800 service is operated under her direction. Most recently she was the Theme Editor of Archivaria 41, an issue devoted to medical archives.
How to Cite
Craig, Barbara Lazenby. 2000. “A Look at a Bigger Picture: The Demographic Profile of Archivists in Canada Based on a National Survey”. Archivaria 49 (February), 20-52. https://www.archivaria.ca/index.php/archivaria/article/view/12738.

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