Secrets, Lies and History: Experiences of a Canadian Archivist in Hungary and South Africa

  • Joan Fairweather

Author Biography

Joan Fairweather
Joan Fairweather is a freelance archivist and historian. Since her retirement from the National Archives of Canada in 1996, she has worked as an audiovisual archivist and consultant in Budapest, Hungary and Cape Town, South Africa. Having emigrated to Canada from South Africa in 1970, she has done extensive research on the histories of both countries with respect to aboriginal peoples and their resistance to political domination. Her M.A. thesis University of Ottawa, 1994), entitled “Is this Apartheid? Reserves and Self-Government in Canada, 1960–1982,” compares indigenous policy and protest in Canada and South Africa during the apartheid era. She is currently writing a book on the theme of reconciliation and indigenous-white relations in Canada and South Africa.
How to Cite
Fairweather, Joan. 2000. “Secrets, Lies and History: Experiences of a Canadian Archivist in Hungary and South Africa”. Archivaria 50 (November), 181-92.
Notes and Communications