Hugh A. Taylor, 1920-2005

  • Terry Cook

Author Biography

Terry Cook
Terry Cook was mentored by Hugh Taylor early on and much inspired by his ideas and person, later becoming a friend and frequent correspondent. Cook has taught in the graduate-level Archival Studies Program at the University of Manitoba since 1998, now on a half-time basis, following a long career at the Public/National Archives of Canada, and consults on archival issues nationally and internationally. Among scores of articles that have appeared on every continent, many exploring the same socio-cultural-historical-philosophical dimensions of archival ideas and practices as did Hugh Taylor, he has co-edited Imaging Archives: Essays and Reflections by Hugh A. Taylor (2003), and contributed a chapter to The Archival Imagination: Essays in Honour of Hugh A. Taylor (1992). He is also co-editor of Archives, Records, and Power that appeared as four issues of Archival Science (2002) and the author of The Archival Appraisal of Records Containing Personal Information: A RAMP Study with Guidelines (1991). He is currently working on two books on appraisal and co-authoring a major history of the Public/National Archives of Canada. A former editor of Archivaria and of the Canadian Historical Association’s Historical Papers and its Historical Booklets series, Cook has since 1998 frequently been lobbying for the Association of Canadian Archivists on public policy issues. He is a Fellow of the Society of American Archivists and holds a PHD in Canadian History from Queen’s University.
How to Cite
Cook, Terry. 2006. “Hugh A. Taylor, 1920-2005”. Archivaria 60 (September), 275-82.

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