Reaction versus Proaction: Moving from Here to There

  • Anne MacDermaid

Author Biography

Anne MacDermaid
Anne MacDermaid has been the University Archivist of Queen's University and Archivist of the City of Kingston since 1977. She is a past president of the Association of Canadian Archivists (1982-83) and past chairperson of the Ontario Council of Archives. She has been a member of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada's committee on archives (1983-85) and of the SSHRCC Working Group on Archival Descriptive Standards (1983-86). She is presently a member of the National Archives of Canada Advisory Committee.
How to Cite
MacDermaid, Anne. 1989. “Reaction Versus Proaction: Moving from Here to There”. Archivaria 29 (January), 197-203.

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