WATT, In All Respects Ready: The Merchant Navyand the Battle of the Atlantic, 1939-45; SMITH, The King's Yard: ... ; LYNCH & LAMB, Gunshield Graffiti: Unofficial Badges of Canada's Wartime Navy; COOKE, The Canadian Military Experience 1867-1983: A Biblio.

  • Glenn T. Wright
How to Cite
Wright, Glenn T. 1986. “WATT, In All Respects Ready: The Merchant Navyand the Battle of the Atlantic, 1939-45; SMITH, The King’s Yard: . ; LYNCH & LAMB, Gunshield Graffiti: Unofficial Badges of Canada’s Wartime Navy; COOKE, The Canadian Military Experience 1867-1983: A Biblio.”. Archivaria 22 (January), 227. https://www.archivaria.ca/index.php/archivaria/article/view/11340.