Towards a New Form in the Writing of Canadian History

  • David C. Jones

Author Biography

David C. Jones
David Jones is a professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Calgary. He has published frequently in the history of agriculture and education. He is the author of Midways, Judges, and Smooth-Tongued Fakirs: TheIllustrated Story of CountryFairs in the Prairie West (1983) and the forthcoming TheLand of Cain. Settling andAbandoning the Prairie Dry Belt. He is also the editor of the forthcoming "We'll All Be Buried Do,wn Here? The Prairie Dryland Disaster, 1917-1926 and, with Ian MacPherson, the forthcoming Building Beyond the Homestead. Rural History on the Prairies.
How to Cite
Jones, David C. 1985. “Towards a New Form in the Writing of Canadian History”. Archivaria 20 (January), 166-71.
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