Documenting Working Class History: North American Traditions and New Approaches

  • Russell G. Hann
  • Gregory S. Kealey

Author Biographies

Russell G. Hann
RUSSELL HANN lives in Toronto and is completing a Harvard PhD on radical Toronto G. journalists in the late nineteenth century. Author of various books and articles, he serves on the editorial board of LabourlLe Travailleur and works as an editor for Hogtown Press of Toronto. He has taught at Harvard, York and Trent University.
Gregory S. Kealey
GREGORY S. KEALEY teaches Canadian social and working class history at Dalhousie University. Author of several books and articles, he is the Treasurer of the Committee on Canadian Labour History (Canadian Historical Association) and is co-editor of LabourlLe Travailleur .
How to Cite
Hann, Russell G., and Gregory S. Kealey. 1977. “Documenting Working Class History: North American Traditions and New Approaches”. Archivaria 4 (January), 92-114.